I pop on from time to time
S-Majere (comments)
Displaying 261 - 280 of 439 comments
I find the lack of David Bowie {'s unit} disturbing, Sarah.
Too late. It was humpified a couple hours ago. :D
well, i'll check him out.
tho, im a bit offended. 'leave thos asian celerbrites behind'
in fact, IM asian. '_'
how could you not have heard of her? I'm shock! Literally.
*gasp* I like the new layout. She has the same bday as me. AND IS HOTT :D
Haha it's ok i still like the layout it's awsome but when you do make the redesign let me no, im gonna have that layout on for a while.
I actually don't log in much anywhere anymore. I've been so busy. My friends keep telling me I need to relax a little bit more because I'm working myself to death. I have a four day weekend next week though which is when I plan on trying out your myspace code for a layout... I just gotta figure out what to do... I'm probably going to re-code that "lion and the lamb" layout because I've had so many messages asking for it... even through my myspace messages.
I do miss you on xanga although that's kinda dying away now... too many layout designers there aking me look bad... and asking me for help... It's getting old. I think I might make the switch over to CB and keep on working on trying to get a domain. It's looking better and better everyday.
I've never heard of him.
I'm more into Asian celebrites. '_'
hey i was looking at this website layout:
http://www.createblog.com/la youts/code.php?id=25264
and i noticed that it isnt centered in internet explorer.
would you be able to tell me how to get it to be centered?
for the most part :)
how are things for you?
well hello I LOVE your new layout its funny too you also kinda look like Kira Knightly.
Oh, I see. :D
Do you mind if you help me with a code.
Cuz I'm pretty sure u know how...
;___; Well, hopefully I'll get in the next time I apply. ;x. But yeah. hehe. I'm glad you got hired as Head Staff. Oh no! I haven't been on that long. My posts don't even match up to how long I've been here. I think other people such who've been here shorter than me have much more posts than me and I'm like how do you get so much ahha. D: But yeah. When did you get hired?
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Jerk It Out
Miss Majere (by JC)
whatever would i do without you here?
you are my little english mate
i would say our increased friendship here is fate
if it wasn't for the fact that neither of us care about jesus
so it's not
k great
i remember talking to you one morning made me late,
for class
so i had to run fast
to get there on time
your bellatrix avatar used to remind me of slime
your design skills are on point
they make me wanna dislocate a joint
because they look so good
if i hadn't already known you were an english lass
i'd have guessed you were from the hood
you're basically like black folk
i find that you always like really strange blokes
like david bowie
and colonel jack o'neil
old men seem to make you squeel
so i guess it's good im older than you
although not by much
you make me chuckle, laugh and such
i'm glad you're not dutch
gas prices are really high in europe
so i hope you don't have to pay for a car
even though i bet your rich
because you have your own star
that's really far